

Part of the appeal for blogspot was it was a website which i could use on my work internet. That's no longer the case (as of december) and the usage of it has diminished muchly. However, after finding out about this february thing, i've got a need to place unfinished/unpolished arts. I would like to mention that i was a JEALOUS MESS when i found out drawing time was happening without me. Started a week late.

so here we go.

and also, one drawing i did last year. Here were the requirements of the drawing.
-Okay so from a list of these items:
- Half-eaten donut
- A can opener
- A fork
- A candle
- A screw
- A flagpole (flag optional)
- A pair of wooden shoes
- A fake reggae hair hat
- A stylus


Also, i nearly smashed all the teeth out of my bottom row today. Excellent. You can swallow a pint of blood before getting sick.

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