Bottom line time.
CrackerJacks are bad for your teeth.
and i'm just slow rollin'
3,2,1 liftoff. I thought about the space aspects of my blog title. And how awfully gay it would be to make spaceship jokes and drawings all over the blog bg. And how awfully awesome that would be. But more gay than awesome. "One small step for man"----- No. i was right. Too gay. haha. But seriously, i would probably get more of a kick outta that than the reader (//currently 1; way to go Bolinski. Find me before my first post).
Life has been pretty good lately. Summer work is slowin' down.
and here i am.
slow rollin'
I would now like to share some relatively unknown information about the grisley land we call "Spain". I do have my degree in social sciences...BEAR in mind. The spain that we know and love today should technically be called "New Spain" or even, "Bear's Spain" considering that the bear overlords carved the land with their powerful and gnarly claws hundreds of years before humans became active in the location. The bear masters of spain quickly became the first peaceful clan of bear communities around the globe (probably because of the wonderful mediteranean climate and cool sea breezes) developing a langauge (primordial spanish//subsequently the foundation of the human spanish we still speak to this day) and even using their own form of currency to buy and trade goods like sailing ships and timber with one another. In fact, Christopher Columbus was simply emulating the bear explorers of the past (documented in the bearnomicon; a pictographic saga of the creation of spain and the rise of the bearmen) when he sailed the ocean blue in exploration of new lands. While we don't know what happened to the bear societies of spain, we do know they went dormant for hundreds of years when they successfully managed to block out the sun in their war versus the olden machines (and if you think i just stole that from the matrix, you are -very- wrong). With the great hibernation came the rise of the humans. And the rest, as they say... is history.
but i'm just slow rollin'
bear brains are actually a delicacy in spain as the spaniards think they can obtain the former glory of the mega-bears by ingesting the minds of their offspring.
The only man made object seen from the moon was the great wall. Spain, the country, however, is very visible from space as one of MANY bear-made objects seen from the moon.
Bear-Claw donuts were actually brought over from spain to america in honor of the great overlords. Krispy Kreme simply made them mainstream.
Teddy Roosevelt was actually assassinated by bear ninjas. The greatest government cover-up in history.
Bear-Masters actually had a small domain in the repulic of california.
But you already knew all that.
And i'm just slow rollin'
How about some art from this week (minus tengu, which was done before the summer). Most of these are silly requests from silly deviants. I don't feel like saying much more about them other than, "they are boring. Next batch will not be so boring"..."or poorly drawn".
If you've made it this far reading the whole thing, you have wasted as much time as i have writing this. I want to congratulate you and shake my head sadly at the same time. Poor poor choice, reading all these words, thinking i had something of VALUE to say.
As that old knight in the last crusade is so found of saying very calmly...
I'm just slow rollin'
no. actually, he says, You chose poorly.
And then you turn into a skeleton while this hot german blonde babe makes the icky face as she screams (about near wrote creams! haha) okay. As she creams her pants. hahaha! where was i?
Weren't you just turning into a skeleton? Doesn't matter anymore. cuz i'm just
slow rollin'

My name is Fennewalde and i have a blog.
Which is now, i'm sure, the gayest thing ever. Time to work on that.
One last thing.
I saw district 9. Pretty decent. Not what i expected. But pretty decent. The thing is... I couldn't stop thinking about the main character. I kept telling myself HOWGREATOFAJOBHEWOULDDOBEINGTHENEWPINKPANTHERDETECTIVE instead of dukey-pants hamburger steve-deburger-martinwhitehairedcoloredmustachemartinmanpants. I mean, woudln't that guy do a great peter sellers? Forget about district nine. I want some more pink panther films.
If you've spent anytime reading this blog, you can watch this clip from a pinkpanther movie. (12 secs)
I'd find a faster one (12 parsecs or ParSex) but i'm pretty sure that's a unit of time that doesn't exist unless you're making the kessel run on some air-machine called the milly nolmfalcon? or something insignificant and not important like that. Mi-lemonfulcon. Yeah... that's it.
I want to shout it at the top of a mountain.
and i'm just slow rollin'
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